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Contact Linda Salvin Here

Scary Accurate and Success

I originally got to know Linda as a psychic. I had been reading with her on and over over 10 years. She predicted my first marriage wouldn’t be long term and then with the second long term relationship, she is the only one that ended up being right to the point. My significant other has used the exact same term she used to describe something. Knowing what an incredible psychic she is, I decided to buy her Good Luck candles. I have to say, once using the candles, doing my petitions, etc., doors started opening like crazy. For example, I wanted to get in better shape and lose weight. I got prescribed very expensive medication that I didn’t think my insurance would cover. Miraculously, after burning the candles, my insurance covered it. I also reconnected with an ex and my business started soaring. I attribute this to Linda Salvin and her amazing candles. Please give them a try. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

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The best of the best
I am delighted to share my experience with Linda Salvin. She is truly amazing! Linda has an incredible gift and her psychic abilities are unparalleled. From the moment she tuned into the reading, I felt a sense of calm and comfort. Linda’s intuition is spot on, and she was able to provide insights and guidance that were beyond anything I could have imagined. Her accuracy and precision in her readings left me in awe. I am grateful for her guidance...
- Tima
Insightful and Accurate Readings
I highly recommend scheduling a private reading with Linda Salvin. She is extremely intuitive and gives insight to your current and future situations with accuracy. I called her 2 years ago to ask about direction on career goals and career plans, as I was struggling to know the path that would be best suited for me. She predicted I would be in a certain field after graduation, which I am currently working in today after graduating. She really cares about...
- Kaye, So Carolins
Good Luck Power
I ordered my candles from Linda Salvin on a Friday and received them Monday. Our phone call was me sharing my hesitation about going forward with some big decisions in my life. After lighting the first of the three good luck candles my home feels serene and peaceful, it smells amazing too. It is what is in the candles, herbs, oils, powder, and petition yes. But also the healing power of Linda Salvin. On the phone with her and having...
- Katie M
My Life Has Changed for the Best!
Hi Linda Salvin ✨ I wanted to let you know that since the first day I lit the candle, my life has changed all for the best! I can’t thank that guy Tommy enough for giving me your information. He definitely was not a good relationship person for me, but needless to say he came into my life for a reason which was to meet you. I have stood up for myself to some people that were no longer serving...
- Joanne from Florida
Obstacle Released! Candles Work!
Hi Linda Salvin, I would like to say how grateful I am for your Wicks of Wisdom candles. They are very powerful and they really work! I was told by my employer that my position would be eliminated in a few months so I started applying for other positions within the company but I had no luck. I bought the Good Luck candles to assist me with opening doors. I am excited to announce not only was I promoted at...
- Denise Bello
Helpful Reading
I recently had a 1 hour reading with Linda Salvin. It was very helpful. The information just flowed; I did ask some questions, but Linda was able to anticipate questions and give me relevant information before I even asked. She is clearly high energy. She also gave me helpful information and links to products for my family’s health after I asked. I appreciate this – these are products I was unaware of, and I do have a lot of information...
- Robin
Calmness and Magic
Hi Linda Salvin, Hope you had a wonderful holiday. I’ve been watching your videos and testimonials and wanted to give an update. After lighting the initial candle, I did experience a sense of peace, feeling of being lighter as if a cloudy smudge was lifted from around my headspace during the past week. However, today, I started to feel an intense anxiety in my chest region for no reason. I recall watching my candle burn with such fascination, and as...
- Nadine
Candles miracle
I had a problem in the joints of my lower extremities with swelling, pain and inflammation. Linda Salvin very kindly started the Health candles. After the 1st one I was already better. After 2 sets of candles she burned for me, the problem is 90% improved and almost gone. Even with an ultrasound, the doctor could not diagnose what Linda Salvin found. My physician said I don’t need to go see him anymore. Linda Salvin is a miracle worker!. Her...
- Anonymous from Switzerland
Channeling of my ex and 2 babies
Good morning Linda Salvin, Thank you for yesterday’s session! It has been heavy on my mind all night and has opened my eyes even more to see signs & confirmations from my loved ones that have passed over. I am still in complete awe. Many of the things you mentioned yesterday, LITERALLY no one else knew or only Jeannot, Jeannell or baby Jeannot knew. It brings so much relief to my heart knowing the 3 of them are together, happy...
- Alner Smith